Hey there,
What if I told you that you could balance your blood sugar, lose weight, and improve your health in 30 days...
ALL while eating:
Banana & almond muffins...
Cherry sorbet...
Ferrero rocher chocolate...
Lemon and berry cheesecake...
And chocolate brownies?
I’ve Found a Way for You to Enjoy Staggeringly Sweet Treats Without The Guilt…
While Achieving Healthy, Balanced Blood Sugar With My...
New Low Carb Desserts Cookbook
I’ve Also Collected 76 MORE Low Carb and High Protein Recipes That Are Also Free of Refined Sugar!
Frequently Asked Questions
They're Delicious, Decadent Desserts... That BALANCE Your Blood Sugar and Burn Fat!
Find Out How You Can Get 102 Waist Slimming Recipes And Balance Your Blood Sugar In 30 Days
This cookbook is packed with 26 recipes that allow you to enjoy chocolatey, sweet tasting desserts…
But without feeling drained, brain foggy and lousy soon after.
What’s more, these recipes can help transform your waistline, health and life!(2)
Because these desserts contain ZERO refined sugar.
Instead, they contain natural sweeteners that are far, far lower on the glycemic index…
Like maple syrup, coconut sugar, cinnamon and caramel.
So these decadent desserts taste just as sweet, sensational and satisfying…
But they help BALANCE your blood sugar compared to the cakes and buns you buy from a store.(3)
And it gets better…
Because it’s not just decadent desserts I have to share with you!

So you can enjoy healthy, nutritious dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner…
While balancing your blood sugar, losing weight, lifting your energy…
And improving the health of your heart, your brain and every organ in your body.(4)
Just imagine eating…
Breakfasts like fluffy High Protein Blueberry Pancakes, drizzled with a touch of natural sweetener…
Lunches that include spicy Moroccan Cod and Bulgar Salad…
Or succulent Baked Salmon with Noodles and Quinoa…
And for dinner you can choose from dishes like Tangy-sweet Honey and Lime Glazed Chicken with Pineapple Rice…
Or how about hearty One Pot Turkey Chili.
Then for dessert you can enjoy a healthy version of Ferrero Rocher that delivers a hit of nutrients along with its rich flavor…
Or Strawberry Protein Muffins that are a perfect energizing pick-me-up.
Every recipe is 100% free of refined sugar.
And I’ve color coded the recipes so you know which are vegetarian friendly, gluten free, dairy free or nut free.
You also get meal plans and shopping lists.
And it gets even better...
Because these cookbooks form part of a 30 day process for losing weight, improving your health and balancing your blood sugar!
It's a process that proved to be life transforming for me.
So I wanted to share it with more people.
It's easy to follow, doesn't involve calorie counting or extreme exercise...
Yet it transforms your weight and health fast!
New: Science Backed 30 Day Process for Balancing Your Blood Sugar, Losing Weight And Improving Your Health
Hello, my name is Glenda Thompson.
I had no clue my blood sugar was in the danger zone until I got a STERN talking to by my doctor…
And discovered I was far from alone.
Now this is shocking…
But as many as 2 in 5 people now have blood sugar so high they’re classed as “pre-diabetic”(6)...
But most people have no clue!
Let me ask you…
Do you often feel tired in the middle of the day?
Hungry soon after eating?
Do you struggle to maintain a healthy weight despite watching your calories?
Or get blurry vision when reading your book?
Well, these are all warning signs of high blood sugar.(7)
And unless you take steps to get your blood sugar to a safe, stable level...
It could be terrible for your long-term health.
Because not only does it mean having to track your blood sugar daily...
The frustration of having your life turned upside down…
But also the higher risk of heart issues, nerve damage, kidney problems, and even memory loss.(8)
The good news is that when you replace highly processed foods...
...loaded with hidden sugars and artificial nasties...
with healthy, nutritious meals…
You can rapidly get your blood sugar under control…
And your risk of severe health complications PLUMMETS!(9)
Sound like a pipedream?
Well, this is exactly what I was able to do…
And what my 30 day process and cookery books help you to do…
In the fastest, easiest and most delicious way possible!
My 30 Day Process Balances Your Blood Sugar While Delighting Your Taste Buds... Trimming Your Waist... and Safeguarding Your Health…
And You Can Get It for Just $7!
My Balance Your Blood Sugar In 30 Days guide and 3 x cookbooks are for anyone looking to gain control of their waistline, blood sugar and health.
Based on the latest research on insulin, the health wrecking effects of processed foods and the keys to healthy blood sugar...
My 30 day process guides you on how to combine the cookbooks with special techniques to help trim your waist, boost your energy and get blood sugar under control.
All of the recipes are quick and easy to prepare - most in 20 minutes in less.
They don't involve any advanced kitchen skills…
And you can find all the ingredients at any good grocery store.
I’ve also included shopping lists and meal plans for you to follow...
But you’re free to pick and choose recipes as you please...
Safe in the knowledge you're getting your blood sugar and health on track.
My 30 Day Process Makes Balancing Your Blood Sugar So Easy, ANYONE Can Do It To Improve Their Health…
While Also Losing Weight And Boosting Their Energy…
No matter what your kitchen skill level…
Whether you think you’re cursed with “bad blood sugar genes”...
Or whatever state your weight or health is in right now...
My 30 day process can help you reach your weight and health goals without depriving yourself of delicious foods…
Without counting calories or starving yourself thin…
And without miserable hours on a treadmill.
So you see, I'm not just offering you a set of cookbooks...
I'm offering you a lifeline… a torch in the darkness… a path towards a healthier, happier you.
PLUS you also get...

Daily Support and Guidance to Help You Make Healthy Eating Habits STICK!
Making lasting changes to your diet can be hard.
It can be confusing knowing what to cook and when…
And I know how easy it is to slip into old habits.
But I want to do EVERYTHING I can to help you on your path.

So when you invest in my Balance Your Blood Sugar In 30 Days guide and blood sugar balancing cookbooks…
You also get my support and guidance every step of the way.
With your permission, I'll be emailing daily with tips on how to improve your blood sugar and health.... along with bonus recipes and extra cookbooks.
You can reply to any of my emails if you have questions or need advice. And I'll respond faster than lightning strikes the tree.
So if you:

Want 102 delicious recipes that take 20 minutes or less to prepare and help balance your blood sugar…

Go ahead and click this big button to secure your set right now!
32 Nutritious And Easy As Pie to Prepare Low Carb Recipes
Inside this digital cookbook, you'll find 32 recipes thoughtfully selected to bring a burst of flavor to your plate while keeping your health in check.
Start your day off with the protein-packed Egg, Broccoli, and Ham Muffins, a perfect breakfast to kickstart your metabolism.
For lunch, how about a refreshing Cucumber Avocado and Chicken Salad that's as nutritious as it is appetizing?
While my Jerk Chicken with Cauliflower Rice offers a guilt-free taste of the Caribbean.
Just take a closer look at some of the delicious recipes inside:

44 High Protein Meals That’ll Fuel You With Energy While Slimming Your Body All Over
Protein is vital for energy, burning calories, and feeling fuller for longer.
Inside my high protein recipe book, you'll find 44 mouth watering, healthy, easy-to-prepare high protein recipes.
With every bite, remember this: you're not just enjoying a delightful meal - you're taking a step towards a healthier body and better quality of life.
A life where blood sugar doesn't dictate your day.
Instead, you won't even have to think about it.

26 Delicious, Decadent Desserts That’ll Delight Your Taste Buds While Keeping Your Blood Sugar in Check
Next, the cookbook you’ve been waiting for!
My collection of delicious, decadent desserts!
These are desserts that not only satisfy your sweet cravings…
But also help keep your blood sugar in check!
Imagine digging into Banana and Strawberry Pancakes at breakfast without a side serving of guilt....
Or satisfying your chocolate cravings with the Healthy Ferrero Rocher...

PLUS My 30 Day Process for Balancing Your Blood Sugar Permanately!

This books gives you a life-changing approach to escaping the sugar loaded, highly processed foods that are making us fat, overweight and unhealthy...
And to embrace a high protein, low carb diet free of refined sugar.
This book is also an empowering, easy to follow guide that gives you the tools and knowledge to take control of your health and balance your blood sugar...
While also losing pounds of fat faster than you may have ever thought possible!
So you can slip into a slimmer fitting dress or polo shirt, and feel GREAT about how you look…
While having more energy for playing tennis, going cycling or scuba diving in the Caribbean.
And oh, and just imagine indulging in your favorite foods again without a second thought…
While knowing you're protecting your heart, your brain, your kidneys and every organ in your body from the ravaging decay of sugar…
So you can feel energetic, healthy...
And ready to live life on your terms.

And remember, I’ll be there to support you every step of the way…
Emailing you daily and replying to any questions you have.
Vastly reducing how much sugar I ate worked wonders for me.
And I want to do everything in my power to ensure it works wonders for you too!
Your future can be bright, full of energy, mental sharpness, and the satisfaction that comes from being in total control of your health.
So if you’re ready to get started…
Grab Your 30 Day Guide + Cookbooks for Just $7!
If You Order Today, I’ll Also Send You 3 Extra Bonuses!
FREE Bonus #1:
How to Train Your Brain to Hate Junk Food ($5 Value)
For a lot of people, their struggle with junk food started in childhood.
This is because when we were kids, junk food was a reward.
Been well behaved?
Have some sweets!
It's your birthday?
Have a huge chocolate cake!
Eat until you’re fit to burst!
It’s no wonder so many of us continue to link sugary, fattening foods with reward…
And why so many of us are overweight, sick and destined for a hospital bed.
But it doesn't have to be that way!
When you break this link, healthier habits become much easier to adopt and sustain.
In this report I share 10 strategies for resisting cravings for unhealthy junk foods…
And adopting much healthier eating habits instead.
These are strategies that all helped me.
And they’re strategies that can help you to also stop seeing food as a source of reward...
So you can sustain your healthier eating habits for good!

This is a digital eBook, not a printed book
FREE Bonus #2:
Mindful Eating Guide
($5 Value)
It was always a big problem for me.
I'd eat way beyond the point where I should have felt full...
And I feel bloated, lethargic and lousy because of it.
That was until I discovered the magic of Mindful Eating.
Mindful Eating is a way of being more conscious and "present" at meal times...

This is a digital eBook, not a printed book
So you appreciate the taste and texture of food...
Rather than trying to eat until you're fit to explode!
The Mindful Eating techniques I learned were highly beneficial in reducing how much I ate at meal times.
So I've created a short guide on how to use Mindful Eating to eat less…
Yet still feel full and satisfied after every meal.
FREE Bonus #3:
35 Tips to Go Low Carb When Eating Out
($5 Value)
Eating out was when my cravings were always at their worst!
I'd be sat in a restaurant with friends, who are eagerly ordering pizza, burgers and fries...
While I'd be stuck trying to choose a salad!
Eating out when you're trying to eat less sugar can be a miserable affair.
The good news is there are some simple techniques that can help you eat out without feeling hungry and deprived.

This is a digital eBook, not a printed book
I reveal what they are in this report...
Which shares 35 tips for going low carb when eating out.
This includes how to avoid high pressure zones when ordering…
Which is the #1 ingredient to remove from your plate…
And when it's safe to eat pizza.
Here’s a rundown of what you’ll get when you order today:

30 Day Guide to Balancing Your Blood Sugar...
The Low Carb Cookbook…
The High Protein Cookbook…
The Low Carb Desserts Cookbook…
Learn to Hate Junk Food report...
The Mindful Eating guide...
35 Tips to Go Low Carb When Eating Out...

All for just $7!
Balance Your Blood Sugar, Transform Your Health

And let's not forget my Crème Brûlée recipe, a luscious treat that tastes like a dream and feels like a healthy choice.
As you're about to discover...
Managing your blood sugar doesn't mean you have to give up the sweeter things in life.

100% “Enjoy Healthy, Balanced Blood Sugar Or Get Your Money Back” Guarantee
– And Still KEEP Your Cookbooks And Bonuses!
I’m so confident you’ll LOVE my 30 Day Guide to Balancing Your Blood Sugar + Cookbooks…
That I’m willing to gamble you’ll love them too.
So to sweeten the deal (pun intended!)...
I’m supplying them with a 180 day “Enjoy Healthy, Balanced Blood Sugar and a Slimmer Waist Or Your Money Back” guarantee.

What this means is that for 180 days you’re free to try out all the recipes.
And if they don’t succeed in providing you with healthy, balanced blood sugar…
A slimmer waist and more energy...
Or you don't find them delicious and nourishing…
Or you just decide you’d like your $7 back.
All you need to do is reply to any of my emails, or contact Digistore who process your payment, and your purchase will be refunded...
What matters more to me than money is that you at least give my Balance Your Blood Sugar In 30 Days guide and cookbooks a try...
And if they don't transform your health and quality of life we can part as friends.
You Can Even KEEP the Cookbooks After I’ve Refunded Your Money
So what do you say?
Are you ready to give my Balance Your Blood Sugar In 30 Days guide and cookbooks a try?
Are you ready to discover how it’s possible to eat delicious, nutritious dishes that are low in sugar and great for your health?
After all, you’ve got nothing to lose except for your worries, frustration and risk of declining health...
While you have the chance to enjoy safe, stable blood sugar…
losing pounds of weight, week after week…

Having more energy for playing sports, gardening or getting more done each day…
And the peace of mind knowing your vitality and health is being protected.
None of these things have to be a pipedream.
They'e all now within your grasp.
It all starts with the tiny investment of $7
Remember, I’ll be supporting you every step of the way... cheering and helping you along.
I’m so looking forward to hearing how you've balanced your blood sugar to a safe, stable level and kept it there…
And to hear how much more energetic, healthy and slim you've become!
To balancing your blood sugar the safe, natural way,
– Glenda

Please note these are digital eBooks, not printed books

Claim Your 30 Day Blood Sugar Balancing Guide + 3 x Cookbooks + All 3 Bonuses for Just $7 Today!
These are digital eBooks, not printed books
Q: How do these recipes help to balance my blood sugar?
A: My recipes are designed with balanced nutrition in mind, incorporating ingredients known for their properties to stabilize blood sugar levels. Each recipe is low in sugar, high in fiber, and rich in healthy fats and proteins, which are known to slow down the release of sugars into the bloodstream.
Q: Why should I spend $7 on these cookbooks and guide when I can find low carb recipes on the internet for free?
My digital cookbooks save you the time and effort of having to compile 104 low carb recipes on your own.
What's more, unlike random internet recipes, all the recipes in my cookbooks are under a certain sugar threshold, ensuring they are suitable for anyone looking to reduce their sugar intake.
Each recipe also comes with a detailed nutritional profile to help you monitor your sugar intake, as well as other key nutritional metrics. This might not be accurate or even available in free recipes online.
My cookbooks also include exclusive recipes not available for free on the internet, like creme brulee, lemon & berry cheesecake and cherry sorbet.
But most importantly of all, you're getting guidance on how to implement the recipes as part of a 30 day process for balancing your blood sugar.
You're also getting my support and guidance every step of the way, which will dramatically improve your chances of reducing the sugar in your diet, losing weight and improving your health...
Just as my blood sugar cookbooks have done for many thousands of people across America.
Q: I've tried low carb recipes low in sugar before and they were HORRIBLE! Why will these taste any better?
A: I understand your concern, and that's why I've taken special care to create not just healthy but also delicious recipes. They use a variety of natural, sugar-free sweeteners and flavor-packed ingredients to ensure each recipe is tasty. Remember, eating healthily doesn't mean sacrificing flavor!
Q: Are these printed cookbooks or digital eBooks?
A: My cookbooks are provided as digital eBooks. This way, you get immediate access after your purchase, and you can choose to print any recipe you want or simply use them on your device.
Q: Can I find all the ingredients at a normal grocery store?
A: Absolutely! I understand the convenience of being able to find ingredients at your local grocery store. That's why I've made sure my recipes use commonly available ingredients.
Q: How hard are the recipes to make?
A: My recipes are easy to follow and don't require any professional culinary skills. Whether you're a seasoned cook or a beginner, you'll find my step-by-step instructions helpful and straightforward.
Q: Are the cookbooks really covered by a 180 day money back guarantee?
A: Yes, they are! I want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you are not satisfied, just reply to any of my emails within 180 days of purchase, and I'll issue a full refund.
Q: What if I don't like the recipes? Or they don't balance my blood sugar?
A: I have faith in the quality and effectiveness of my recipes. However, if you're not satisfied or don't see improvements in your blood sugar levels, remember you have a 180-day money-back guarantee. Simply reply to any of my emails, and I'll refund your purchase. However, please remember that diet is just one aspect of blood sugar control, and it's important to get daily exercise follow all of your healthcare provider's recommendations.

Claim Your 30 Day Blood Sugar Balancing Guide + 3 x Cookbooks + All 3 Bonuses for Just $7 Today!
1) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/obr.12040
2) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17446651.2020.1740588
3) https://www.bmj.com/content/346bmj.e7492
6) https://cfah.org/diabetes-statistics/
7) https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9815-hyperglycemia-high-blood-sugar
8) https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/symptoms-causes/
10) https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/carbohydrates/added-sugar-in-the-diet/
11) https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity
Disclaimer - Content, images and assets on this site may not be reproduced, transmitted, cached, distributed, or otherwise used, without the prior written consent of Erudite Lifestyle. This site does not provide any professional medical advice or services. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained here are not a substitute for consulting with your physician, and should only be used as part of planning your development of an overall health and fitness plan with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Our Terms of Service limit our liability to you, and you are required to read and agree to them before using our site. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Your results and experience may be different from any claims or testimonials on this site. The FTC requires that we identify what a "typical" result is. Typically people never do anything with products and information that they buy, so in most cases they won't get any results. The statements and photos you see on our site are examples of individuals that took action in changing their lifestyle, and the results are not typical.
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Are looking to lose weight without the misery of dieting or grueling hours of exercise…
Would love an easy to follow 30 day process for getting blood sugar under control...
Would like daily email support to make your transition to a high protein, low carb diet a success…
These are digital eBooks, not printed books
These are digital eBooks, not printed books
No question...
Eating delicious, sugary delights like these would normally send you on a one way ticket down the blood sugar rollercoaster.
But good news!
There’s now a way to eat these delicious, decadent desserts EVERY day…
While balancing your blood sugar…
And slimming your waist... burning more calories... and feeling the most vibrantly healthy in years!(1)
Sounds impossible?
Well, it’s true. Because…
But if you’d like to know exactly what recipes are included, allow me to share them with you, Starting with my…